Butterfly and Bee on Mariposa Lily

Butterfly and Bee on Mariposa Lily
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Uploaded by Meghann Fletcher on Jan 27 2021 in Penticton
Taken on Aug 07 2020

One late summer afternoon, I was out with my family for a walk up one of the local mountains’ trails. There was a patch of grass and brush just off the path. Standing alone (or so I thought) was a stunning purple Mariposa lily. As I approached it to snap a photo, I discovered a beautiful butterfly was resting gracefully on a petal. I took a few photographs and as I was doing this a bee joined the party. It amazed me that two different insects could interact in such harmony together. The pollen started to cover the busy bee and it looked as though the butterfly’s antennae was reaching out to touch the bee and say hello.

Tagged: apidae insect invertebrate animal bee plant honey_bee pollen
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